New York Mets baseball starTodd Zeile and Bill Civitella are in post production on the teen comedy DirtyDeeds, the first title due to bereleased under their new Green Diamond Entertainment banner.
The partners plan to producetwo to three pictures a year, backed by principal investors Dan Kaplow, who hasbeen appointed president of production, Tom Rosaason, and baseball playersJason Giambi, Mike Piazza, Al Leiter, Tom Glavine, Jeremy Giambi and CliffFloyd.
Green Diamond is also indevelopment on several television projects and aims to raise $50m in operatingcapital over the next 12 months.
Dirty Deeds is based on a screenplay by Jon Land about a highschool student who tries to become the first to complete a series of obnoxiouschallenges known as the Dirty Deeds.
Zeile and Tony Chopelas areserving as executive producers and Kaplow and Civitella serve as producers.
Milo Ventimiglia, LaceyChabert, Zoe Saldana, Michael Milhoan, Tom Amandes, Mark Derwin and CharlesDurning are among the cast.
The picture began principalphotography on Apr 12 and is directed by David Kendall, who wrote the screenplayto the 2002 comedy The New Guy.
Civitella has more than 35years of entertainment experience in music, fashion and talent management andis a former drummer for Gloria Gaynor.
Zeile is a 15-year veteranof major league baseball and is one of a small band of professionals to havehit more than 250 home runs.
He has appeared in severaltelevision productions and plans to retire from baseball this autumn after 16seasons in the major leagues.
Kaplow has produced picturesand television for the past decade and most recently served as head of physicalproduction for Pariah Entertainment and was an HBO network executive on suchhits as Sex In The City and TheSopranos.
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