Americanfilm-makers are making a return to
A total of14 films will compete to become one of the three equal Tiger Award winners,including nine world premieres and two international premieres. Four of the 14were supported by
The two
Other worldpremieres for Rotterdam include Alexis Dos Santos' Glue, from Argentina (Hunert Bals-supported), the Iranian/French co-production The Gaze (Negah),by Sepideh Farsi (a CineMart2000 project), Early In The Morning (Un Matin Bonne Heure,France/Guinea), by Gahite Fofana(Hubert Bals-supported), A Summer Day (Un Jour D'Ete), by France'sFranck Guerin, Han Jie's Walking On The Wild Side (Hubert Bals)and Spain's The Legend Of Time (La Leyenda Del Tiempo) by Isaki Lacuesta.
Roundingout the world premieres are local Dutch title Northern Light, by David Lammers andUruguay/Argentina/Canada/Spain co-production The Dog Pound (La Perrera), also a Hubert Bals-supported production.
The finalTiger competitors are Polish picture OdeTo Joy; Peru's MadeinUSA,by Claudia Llosa, and Taking Father Home, by China's Ying Liang.
This is the 35th edition of the International Film Festival Rotterdam, and although its director Sandra Den Hamer had announced a scaleback of 20 percent, the main competition titles remain steady at 14, the same as 2005. She commented: "After a long absence of young Americans in our competition, it is great to now have two very strong candidates from the
The awards,with $10,000 apiece and a guarantee of Dutch TV exposure, will be made onFriday, February 3.
The DogPound (La pererra) by Manuel Nieto Zas (Uruguay/Argentina/Canada/Spain)
Early InThe Morning (Un matin bonne heure) by Gahite Fofana(France/Guinea)
The Gaze (Negah) by Sepideh Farsi (Iran/France)
Glue (Glue (Historia adolescente en medio de la nada)) by Alexis Dos
The Legendof Time (La leyenda
Madeinusa by Claudia Llosa(Peru/Spain).
NorthernLight (Langer licht) by David Lammers (The Netherlands, 2006),world premiere.
Ode to Joy(Oda do radosci) byAnna Kazejak-Dawid, & Jan Komasa & Maciej Migas (
Old Joy by Kelly Reichardt(US)
Song ofSongs by Josh Appignanesi (
A Summer
TakingFather Home (Bei ya zi de
Walking onthe Wild
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