The first project to shootwill be Simon Ellis' Northern Star - A Love Story (workingtitle), a rites-of-passage love story that will shoot in
Details of a second projectare being finalised, with shooting to start in January 2007 for a late 2007release.
"We are delighted to beworking with Pacific Continental Fund Management and look forward tocollaborating on a number of exciting projects which are already in thepipeline," said Rupert Preston, one of Vertigo's partners.
The Film Opportunities Fundhad recently appointed Vertigo, producers of such films as The Football Factory, A Good Woman and Dirty Sanchez: The Movie, to work withits advisors in identifying film investment opportunities.
The Film Opportunities Fundlaunched in Feburary 2005 investing in gap finance for film and it aims todeliver a fixed return from debt finance, not dependent on a film's success.
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