Lions Gate FilmsInternational has acquired international rights to twentysomething comedy Waitingwhich marks the directorial debut of screenwriter Rob McKittrick whose creditsinclude Son Of The Mask.
The film follows a day inthe life of arrested adolescent roommates Monty and Dean as they negotiate thetreacherous terrain of girls, booze and weed while working as waiters at afamily-friendly restaurant.
Waiting stars Ryan Reynolds, who played the title role in NationalLampoon's Van Wilder, Justin Long and Anna Faris. It was produced by AdamRosenfelt, Jeff Balis, Robert Green and Stayros Merjos under the Element Filmsand Media Ventures banners. Executive producers are Sam Nazarian, Hans Zimmerand Chris Moore.
The deal was closed by LionsGate Films International co-president Nick Meyer with Marc Schaberg and ThomasAugsberger on behalf of Element Films. Meyer and co-president Sergei Yershovare selling the film at Cannes.
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