Spanish producer-distributor-sales house Wanda Vision has sold Cuba-set co-production Suite Havana to Trigon Films for all Swiss and Austrian rights.
Havana director Fernando Perez's prior film, Life Is To Whistle (La Vida Es Silbar), drew more than 100,000 admissions in Switzerland, Wanda chief Jose Maria Morales said.
Suite is one of several Latin American co-productions on Wanda's busy slate. "There are great stories and talents to be found in Latin America, and they are in need of financial support to get their films made," says Morales, who co-produced Mexican hit The Crime Of Father Amaro and stepped in at the post-production stage to help complete Carlos Sorin's San Sebastian special jury prize-winner Minimal Stories (Historias Minimas).
Among the company's most ambitious new projects is Luis Puenzo's Euros 3m-4m The Whore And The Whale (La Puta Y La Ballena), a co-production with Argentina's Patagonik and Puenzo's own Historias Cinematograficas, now in post-production. In pre-production is history-of-football tale The Birth Of A Passion (El Nacimiento De Una Pasion), set for a multiple country shoot this summer.
Other projects on Wanda's slate include co-productions with Cuba (Perfect Wrong Love), Argentina (Torn Hug, Le Chien), Uruguay (Whisky) and Spain (Bitter Grape).
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