Brandon Routh (pictured) hasbeen confirmed as Superman in Warner Bros Pictures' new as yet untitled theatricalversion of the comic strip superhero to be directed by Bryan Singer.
Routh is a 25 year-oldnative of Iowa whose TV credits include soap opera One Life To Live, serials Gilmore Girls and Cold Case and sitcom Will & Grace.He recently wrapped his first feature film role in the upcoming Deadly with Laura Prepon.
The movie is expected tobegin shooting in Australia early next year for release in summer 2006.Producers are Jon Peters, Singer and Gilbert Adler, the screenplay is writtenby Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris.
Routh was selected after asearch of thousands of young actors that spanned the globe. "Contrary to speculation,it was always my absolute intention to hire an unknown for this role," saidSinger in a statement. "Brandon is an extremely fine actor who possesses thephysical qualifications of Clark Kent/Superman. But he also embodies the legacy and history of thischaracter in a way that makes me certain he's the right choice."
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