Warner Bros. InternationalTelevision Distribution (WBITD) and Telecom Italia have signed a two-year dealfor the distribution of more than 100 movies each year via the Rosso Alicebroadband portal.
Starting from December 1, allADSL users will be able to purchase both new movies along with library titles.
The movies will be availablein streaming mode for 24 hours following their purchase and will begeo-filtered to ensure that they are available only to Italian users. The dealalso commits the two companies to increase cooperation in the fight againstonline film piracy.
Among the internationalblockbusters that will be available are Matrix Revolutions, The Last Samuraiand Mystic River.
Pricing varies depends on themovie: Euros 2.99 for movies released recently on home video (following a sixmonth delay); Euros 1.99 for cult movies and classics; and Euros 1.50 forchildren's movies and special offers.
Telecom Italia currently has3,655,000 broadband users, 355,000 of which areoutside Italy.
In a statement, Warner andTelecom Italia said the deal was important because it not only develops a newdistribution channel for movies, but also gives consumers in Italy legitimateaccess to films online.
"We are delighted to be working with Telecom Italia. We recognizethat there is considerable interest by consumers to view movies online viatheir PCs in a legal manner and not through illegal downloading," said JeffreyR. Schlesinger, President, Warner Bros. International Television Distribution."As broadband's penetration widens, it is important that we make our contentavailable in a timely, easy to access, legitimate manner, while at the sametime protecting our content rights in the digital space.
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