Warner Home Video (WHV) andUniversal Pictures International (UPI) will release each other's titles in
CAV Warner HomeEntertainment, a joint releasing operation between WHV and China Audio Video,will handle Universal's video titles, and UPI will release WHV titles in
CAV Warner will releaseapproximately 15 Universal titles initially, and will continue to release 20 to30 new titles every few months over the next two to three years. UPI plans todistribute 20 new WHV titles in
"We are honoured to workwith Universal and to help expand legitimate home entertainment markets thatwill benefit
"We aim to change theexpectations of millions of Chinese and Russian consumers who have becomeaccustomed to inferior pirated product."
"The powerful combination oflocal experience and distribution expertise that Warner and Universal havebuilt up in these emerging markets will prove a considerable force in the fightagainst piracy and provide consumers with quality and choice," UPI president ofemerging markets Melanie Nicholas said.
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