Washington Square Films-based producers Amy Hobby and RussStratton are lining up an eclectic slate of titles headed up by the Ian Curtisbiopic All The Timeand the Hector Lavoe salsa documentary Calle Luna, Calle Sol.
Music video director Jamie Thraves will direct All The Time based on Mick Middles and LindsayReade's book Torn Apart: The Life Of Ian Curtis, which chronicles Curtis' early effortsto launch the influential UK group Joy Division while holding down a governmentjob.
Tom Browne adapted the screenplay and Hobby and Stratton areproducing with Neal Weisman from the UK's Close Grip Films. Shooting will takeplace in Manchester at a date to be determined.
All The Time is the second Ian Curtis project currently in circulation. AntonCorbijn's Controlstars Samantha Morton and is being co-produced by Factory Records co-founderand former Joy Division manager Tony Curtis.
Calle Luna, Calle Sol has won competitive funding from the Puerto Rican Film Fund. LeonGast is set to begin shooting the film in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in July.Enrique Alonso and Nadia Barbarosa from Mitico Films in Puerto Rico are alsoproducing the documentary, which will feature previously unseen footage ofLavoe.
Third Girl From The Left is based on Martha Southgate's novel chronicling threegenerations of African-American women and their socio-political struggles.Cauleen Smith adapted the screenplay and Diana Williams is serving as executiveproducer.
The small town-set comedy Sweet Flame is fully funded by US equity investorsand loosely based on Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard.
Hobby will direct and production is scheduled to beginthis autumn. Paul Marcarelli wrote the screenplay and John Adams from Sea GlassPictures is producing alongside Hobby and Stratton.
The documentary LiveAt The Fillmore East exploresthe modern rock music business and features exclusive interviews and liveperformance footage from such luminaries as Led Zeppelin, The Who and JimiHendrix. Amalie R Rothschild and Leon Gast are co-directing and Nigel Sinclairand Lori Cheatle are producing. Shooting is expected to begin in New York thissummer.
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