Harvey and Bob Weinsteinarrive in Cannes with typical razzmatazz this week, juggling pictures from theexisting Miramax slate as well as a raft of titles under the tentatively titledThe Weinstein Company.
On May 13 Harvey will host a star-studded cocktail reception at theOlympia featuring 20 minutes of unseen footage from The Brothers Grimm, with director TerryGilliam, star Monica Bellucci and producer Chuck Roven in attendance.
Alsoin attendance will be Mia Maestro from Jonathan Jakubowicz' Venezuelan-setkidnapping thriller Secuestro Express, which like The Brothers Grimm is owned by Miramax, and is being produced by Robert Rodriguez' wifeElizabeth Avellan, who produced Sin City.
JohnMadden will represent his crime caper Killshot, a Quentin Tarantino presentationabout a disastrous extortion plot that is produced by Richard Gladstein andLawrence Bender and has been adapted by Hossein Amini from Elmore Leonard'snovel. The Weinstein Company project is currently out to casting.
Fourdays later Harvey and Bob will host the distributors lunch at The Majestic,with Sin City cast members Mickey Rourke, Benicio Del Toro, Jessica Alba, MichaelMadsen and Brittany Murphy in attendance.
RobertRodriguez will be on hand during the festival to discuss the Miramax horrorpicture Curandero, which he wroteand co-produced and centres on a federal agent and a local healer on the trackof a ritualistic killer.
EduardoRodriguez directed the project, which stars Carlos Gallardo, Gabriel Pingarron and Jose Carlos Ruiz and is currently in post production.
MiramaxInternational will be handling worldwide sales on all Miramax and The WeinsteinCompany titles.
GregMcLean's Sundance horror hit Wolf Creek plays in the festival on May 17 andbecomes the first Weinstein Company title to play in any festival, while theMay 18 screening of Sin City is the first Dimension Films title ever to play incompetition on the Croisette.
'We'reexcited about juggling Miramax and The Weinstein Company projects," Harvey saidin a statement. "There are over 25 joint projects with Disney."
Othertitles being sold under The Weinstein Company banner include previouslyannounced horror title Feast, the Project Greenlight picture directed by JohnGulager and due to be released in December; Pulse, Jim Sonzero's remake ofthe Japanese horror hit Kario that is currently in pre-production; Kevin Smith's Clerksfollow-upThe Passion Of The Clerks; and Wolf Creek.
Itis understood that after Sept 30 The Weinstein Company will handle internationalsales on all its pictures.
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