The Weinstein Company (TWC) has launched UnstableFables, a new line 'of direct-to-video CG animatedfeatures being produced with The Jim' Henson Company, Flame Ventures andPrana Studios.''
The projects will take an irreverent twist on fairytales and the 'first releases will be based on Goldilocks, The ThreeLittle Pigs, and 'Billy Goats Gruff.''
Production is set to begin in September and TWCaffiliate Genius' Products will release on DVD.''
The Jim Henson Company, Flame Ventures and PranaStudios will oversee'the development and the computer generated animationwill be produced' by Prana's facility in India.''Lisa Henson,Flame's Tony Krantz and Prana Studios will produce.
Eric' Robinson will oversee on behalf of TWC andTWC International chief' Glen Basner will commence sales here.
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