Wellspring has acquired allNorth American rights to Todd Solondz's latest film Palindromes and plans a theatrical release in April 2005.
Ellen Barkin, Stephen AdlyGuirgis, Richard Masur and Debra Monk star in the tale of a 12-year-old girlwho runs away when her parents thwart her plans to become pregnant.
The picture was produced byDerrick Tseng and Mike S Ryan and screened recently at Telluride, Venice andToronto, with a screening scheduled at the New York Film Festival this upcomingweekend.
Wellspring head ofacquisitions Marie Therese Guirgis negotiated the deal with ICM's Bart Walkeron behalf of Solondz.
"Todd Solondz is a directorwe have long admired, and so to work with him is both a dream come true and anhonour," Guirgis said in a statement.
"People will describe Palindromes as controversial but it is above all a sensitive,moving and very funny film that will surprise people."
"In the last year,Wellspring has been pursuing ever more ambitious releases and Palindromes fits the bill perfectly," the company's head oftheatrical distribution Ryan Werner added.
"Our theatrical staff isvery excited to get behind this film. We are also thrilled that Todd will betraveling in support of the film to discuss this with a wide variety ofaudiences in several markets across the country for the first time since WelcomeTo The Dollhouse."
Celluloid Dreams is handlinginternational sales on the picture.
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