Arctic documentary TheWhite Planet and films commissioned for the 250thanniversary of the birth of Mozart have been added to the line-up of the 31stToronto International Film Festival.

The festival is also addingchild-themed programming under its Sprockets brand, including the NorthAmerican premiere of Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker, directed by Geoffrey Sax and featuring Ewan McGregor, Bill Nighy, AliciaSilverstone and Mickey Rourke.

Directed by Thierry Ragobertand Thierry Piantanida, The White Planet follows the changing seasons at the North Pole and its effect on theanimal species living there.

As for Mozart, TIFF willscreen seven titles commissioned for Vienna's New Crowned Hope festival, acelebration of the composer's life and work. One of the films, BahmanGhobadi's Half Moon, anIran/Iraq/Austria/France coproducution, will makes its world premiere atToronto.

TIFF is presenting thesimultaneous world premiere (with Venice) of Kenneth Branagh's adaptation of TheMagic Flute.