French sales and production outfit Wide Managementhas acquired international rights to Thierry Jousse's Critics' Week opener LesInvisibles. The film stars Laurent Lucas, Michael Lonsdale and MargotAbascal in a story of fleeting romance set in the world of electronic music.
Wide will alsohandle market title Three Couples In A Storm by director JacquesOtmezguine. The director, who divides his time between features and television,this time turns his attention to three couples all facing the mid-life crisisthat hits at 40. The film stars Hippolyte Girardot, Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu,Claire Nebout and Aurelien Recoing.
Wide has also just acquired rights to Antoine Santana's De Profundis starring Isild Le Besco, Gregoire Colin, Emilie Dequenne, Anemone and Bernard Blancan. The film, written by Santana who previously directed Un Moment De Bonheur, is set in the 19th century and focuses on the relationship between a nanny and the mother of the child she cares for.
Wide was foundedby former Mercure Distribution sales executive Loic Magneron and has stocked upa library that numbers some 400 titles including works from such masters as Jean-LucGodard.
Having workedwith last year's Un Certain Regard winner Moolaade, Magneron says he isamazed by the worldwide interest for the film. Notably the film is set to bereleased in Hong Kong by Edko where Magneron says it's been 15 years since anAfrican film has been distributed in theatres.
Also notable onWide's large slate, Magneron points to Mika Kaurismaki's musical documentary Brasileirinho.The film traces Choro, the first urban Brazilian music. Magneron says Wide isselling music rights to the film as well as the traditional rights and has justsold to Japan's Avex among some 20 other countries.
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