Women In Film AndTelevision International (WIFTI), the global network of 35 Women In Film AndTelevision chapters, is launching its first annual Short Film Showcase next Wed(March 8) on 18 screens in five countries.
For one nightonly, WIFTI chapters in the five countries will present collections of shortfilms by female film-makers from around the world. In Los Angeles, for example,the films shown are from the US, Canada, Australia, UK and India.
The showcase,which takes place on International Women's Day, will be screened in Canada(Toronto, Vancouver, Alberta, Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal), USA (San Francisco,Chicago, Dallas, Washington DC, Atlanta, Houston, Los Angeles, Santa Fe,Brookline, New York City), Australia (Sydney), New Zealand (Auckland) andJamaica (Kingston)
"InternationalWomen's Day commemorates achievements, acts of courage and determination byordinary women," said Montreal-based Paulina B. Abarca, Showcase Producer andWIFTI's Chair of Programming. "What better way for WIFTI members and the publicto celebrate than with a screening of original, accomplished internationalshort films by and about modern women."
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