Director Paul Morrison, whose film Wondrous Oblivion opened the Berlinale Kinderfest, is set to direct Little Ashes, a drama based on the relationship between Spanish artists Federico Garcia Lorca and Salvador Dali in 1920's Madrid.
The screenplay is by Philippa Goslett, and was developed by Moira Campbell through UK production company Wanton Muse. Wondrous Oblivion producer Jonny Persey has also joined the team, with Carlo Dusi executive producing and Sharon Howard-Field casting.
The Euros 5.5m project, which has been officially selected to participate in the Berlinale's first Co-Production Market, is being set up as a European co-production and will be co-produced by Alessandro Verdecchi and Loris Curci of Italian outfit Verdecchi Film.
London-based production and distribution outfit Axiom Films will represent Little Ashes internationally. Shooting is expected to take place in September.
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