Chinese actress Vivian Wuand filmmaker Oscar Luis Costo are planning to shoot a drama about adoption in China, Shanghai Blue,from February 2007.
The film is a follow-up tothe husband-and-wife team's debut Chinese production, Shanghai Red, which filmed in China last year. Costo will againwrite, direct and produce while Wu will star.
The duo have set up aShanghai-based production company, Shanghai Mar de Oro, and will re-team withEastern Shanghai International Culture to produce and finance the $8-10m film.
The story revolves around anAmerican in China searching for his wife who went missing while adopting achild.
Wu was raised in Shanghaiand moved to the US after starring in The Last Emperor. She also stars in Shanghai Red, billed as the first independent US production toshoot in China, which Mar de Oro co-produced with Eastern Shanghai and ShanghaiFilm Studio.
The $5m film, about a womantorn between the traditions of an older China and the openness of modernShanghai, is being sold here by UK-based sales agent InFrame. Sun Honglei,Richard Burgi and Ge You also star in the mixed English and Chinese-languagefilm.
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